5.3 Multi Record Block Variant of this Profile where Release Information is not available

When masterlist information is to be communicated where no information about the Releases containing the Resources is available to the Message Sender, the following Records shall be communicated for each Block in this order:

  1. Exactly one Resource Record describing a Resource of type AS02.03  providing information regarding the Sound Recording, Videos and other Resources that are to be reported. Musical Work information, if provided, should be the metadata as sent to the Licensee by the company that provided that metadata about the Resource containing the Musical Work.

  2. None, one or more Records providing the data providing information about the same Resource/Work described in the above AS Records. However, these LC01 Records provide the information a received, by the Licensee, as received from the Record Company or Aggregator listed in the DataProvider Cell. The LC01 Records are optional as bi-laterally agreed between Licensee and Licensor.

  3. Exactly one  Master List Data Record ML01.01.

  4. For each of the ML01.01 Records: None, one or more Musical Work Records of type MW01.02 providing any information previously provided by the Licensor to the Licensee about the Musical Works that are embodied in the Resources reported in the AS02.03 Record.

The Blocks shall be preceded by one or more Summary Records  SY11.01.

The table below provides an overview of the order and cardinality of the Records to be used in this Variant. It is also depicted in Figure 2 above.

Record Type












|   AS02.03


This  AS02.03 record is to contain any Musical Work information that has previously been sent from the company that provided the Resource metadata to the Licensee.

Note: DDEX is working on rules on how to populate these AS02.03 Records, and intends to publish these rules at a later stage.

|  | LC01


Provides additional information about the Resource/Work described in the preceding AS/MW as received by the Licensee from the Record Company or Aggregator listed in the DataProvider Cell.

|   |   ML01.01



|   |   MW01.02


These MW01.02 Records shall contain any Musical Work information previously provided to the Licensee by a Licensor.